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``TROLIS'' system in all it's interface types has a common keyboard interface
(as far as possible). Thus, user can feel comfortable when migrating from one
interface type to another. Below are described most commonly used keys and corresponding
functions, invoked when pressing them:
- ``ENTER'' - fixation (completion) of information field entry; button
with an entry focus (in GUI) activation; launching of various processes.
- ``F4'' (CHUI) or ``Esc'' (GUI) - step back, cancellation
of requests, refusal of execution; closing interface windows without fixing
changes. Will hereinafter be referred as ``F4/Esc''.
- ``F1'' - help key. Acts with fields, which are logically related
to system registries. Shows a popup window with list of corresponding registry
valid values. User then may choose suitable value from this list. There is an
icon with the sign (``?'') in GUI interface, which is active for
the mouse click. The list of valid values also shows when user enters incorrect
(impossible) value to the field, related with some registry.
- ``F2'' - is used mainly in the information entry dialogs. Pressing
this key completes entering of information from wherever user is in the dialog
and closes it. It is equivalent of pressing <OK> button in GUI or entering
last field in the form.
- ``F3'' (только CHUI) - key for accessing top menu in the booking
- ``TAB'' (CHUI и GUI) - moving between subwindows in the main booking
screen. In other windows (GUI only) - moving to the next field entry (equivalent
to ``ENTER'' key) as usual for Windows interface.
- ``F7'' - (Recall) - resets field value to the previous entry when
mistaken entry is entered. Works only before finishing ``Enter''
key is pressed.
- When user enters information to the field - standard editing keys are available
such as ``Insert'', ``Delete'', ``Backspace'', ``Home'' и ``End''.
Following keys and mouse actions are available in various bowsing lists - for
example in search results, passenger lists, etc.:
- ``Enter'' or mouse double-click - provides a certain action with
current line of browser - for example editing information of the line in separate
- ``Cursor-Up'', ``Cursor-Down'' - moves one line up or down.
- ``Page-Up'', ``Page-Down'' - moves to the previous/next screen
within a browser.
- ``Home'', ``End'' - moves to the beginning/end of the browser.
- Positioning browse selector with the mouse is also possible in GUI interface.
And so is for scroll bars to scroll through the entries of the browse. When
appropriate value is found - click mouse left button in the desired line for
it's selection.
- Not all columns is seen across in some browsers. You can use ``Cursor-Left''
and ``Cursor-Right'' in such cases for navigation through the columns
of those browsers. The horizontal scroll bar is also available in this case.
- Some browses has a quick search feature (registry lists, check-in list). You
can press first symbol (letter) of the entry for quick reposition to it. If
entry doesn't exist or feature doesn't work in that context - nothing will happen.
When working with the booking main screen, and also in some other windows and
dialogs - some special key combinations (called ``shortcuts'') are
available for the special functions. In the booking screen all special operations
(booking saving, ticketing, cancellation, etc.) have it's special shortcut.
Usually combination consists of ``Ctrl'' key and one Latin character
key and will be pointed to as ``Ctrl-X''. In GUI Most such functions
in GUI booking screen are duplicated by icons (activated by mouse-click) on
the top of the screen.
Next: Entering dates
Up: Interface description
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