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Using keyboard

``TROLIS'' system in all it's interface types has a common keyboard interface (as far as possible). Thus, user can feel comfortable when migrating from one interface type to another. Below are described most commonly used keys and corresponding functions, invoked when pressing them:

Following keys and mouse actions are available in various bowsing lists - for example in search results, passenger lists, etc.:

When working with the booking main screen, and also in some other windows and dialogs - some special key combinations (called ``shortcuts'') are available for the special functions. In the booking screen all special operations (booking saving, ticketing, cancellation, etc.) have it's special shortcut. Usually combination consists of ``Ctrl'' key and one Latin character key and will be pointed to as ``Ctrl-X''. In GUI Most such functions in GUI booking screen are duplicated by icons (activated by mouse-click) on the top of the screen.

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