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Bookings -> Check-in -
passengers check-in

Figure 3.6: Check-in window
\resizebox* {1\columnwidth}{0.7\textheight}{\includegraphics{checkin.eps}}

Check-in window has one big list for passenger, two parameter fields and a small browse for the voyage list ``Ferry line'' field is used for the ferry line abbreviation entry (like in the booking window). After entering the ``Departure date'' - the list of voyages beginning from this date appears in the right browse list. Then you may choose the exact voyage from this list. The list of passengers of that voyage appears in the big list below.

Passengers with incomplete information (without key information, required in the passenger list) are shown in red color (same as in the search dialog). If you want to change or add some passenger information - just press the ``Enter'' key. You'll get a simplified passenger information dialog, where fields in red color will show what information is still required.

All passengers by default have empty boarding status (``Boarded'' column). To change boarding status you should press (``F3'') key or push <Change boarding status> button.

During process of check-in some booking and their status may intensively change, so to get the latest list of passengers to be boarded, you must refresh the list from time to time. You can do this by pressing ``F5'' key or `` button.

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