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Searching in GUI mode

Figure 3.5: Booking search dialog
\resizebox* {1\columnwidth}{0.6\textheight}{\includegraphics{bookfind.eps}}

Booking search in GUI mode is closely tied to the main booking screen and is called from it by using ``Ctrl-F'' combination or by pressing the icon. The booking search dialog window opens on the screen, letting you enter search parameters. This dialog window also holds all search results after the search and in between booking loads.

When you have entered all search request values - press <Search (F7)> button or ``F7'' key. The browse below will be filled by the search results. Like in CHUI mode, the search list differs, depending whether passenger name field has been entered or not. When it is not entered - passenger names, related to booking will be shown in the area below the list together with the group name if exists.

After search is complete you may load any booking to the main booking screen by pressing ``Enter'' or ``F2'' key or by pushing ``Go to booking'' button. When you'll come back next time to the search dialog - all previous search results will be available, until new search will be made.

GUI mode search dialog has one extra flag (check-box). It's used for searching all passengers for one particular voyage [CHUI interface has a special menu item (``Passengers by voyage'') for that]. This flag is very useful when intensively working with passengers of one voyage (some kind of check-in). In order to use this flag correctly you must enter the first (``from'') date, both of the ports fields and mark ``Passenger List'' check-box. After that the results list switches to the passenger names mode. Passengers with incomplete information (without key information, required in the passenger list) are shown in red color.

You should remember, that at the time, when you are calling the search dialog, system provides a booking save check, because it is very probable, that you may load another booking to the place of the current one.

To make search as fast as possible one of the fields holds the number of returned results. It defaults to 50 results. It is good enough for almost all queries. You can, indeed, increase this value, but it may take much more time to get results on slow Internet connections.

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