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Searching in CHUI mode

Booking search is launched from the separate menu in CHUI mode. Go to the menu item ``Find booking...'' or type in the ``AGFB'' combination in the line below menu and press ``Enter''. You will get the request form showed on the screen. You may enter any request parameters to this form, even leave all fields blank.

If you enter booking number to the first field, you will directly get into desired booking, if it exists. In all other cases you will get intermediate browse screen with the list of bookings which fits your request. You may choose one of them and load it into the booking screen by pressing ``Enter'' key. After you finish with that booking, you will return to this list again. To close this list use ``F4'' key.

If you enter any value to the ``Last Name'' field, - system switches to the passenger name search mode (using other conditions as well). In this case the resulted list will look slightly different, showing passenger names instead of voyages. It is enough to enter only few beginning letters of the name, and even one letter. All passenger names, beginning with those letters will be shown in the results list. You can also use patterns (wildcards) for the unclear name search. Use the ``.'' (dot) for replacing any one letter and ``*'' (asterisk) for more than one. Please note, that search speed in this case will be much slower. (up to several minutes with large database).

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