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Operations with bookings

As it has been stated here before, all bookins may pass through several stages when they can be saved, modified or even cancelled, changing their status. (see 3.1.1). Every booking is saved by ``Ctrl-B'' shortcut for booking itself and by ``Ctrl-T'' for ticket. In GUI modification these actions duplicated by corresponding icons. After each modification booking must be saved. If you try to exit booking screen and booking hasn't been saved - you'll get a warning dialog: ``Are you sure you want to discard your changes?''. Answering ``Yes'' means, that you want leave the booking unchanged and exit anyway. If you want to save the booking - answer ``No'' - and you will get back to the booking screen.

Booking cancellation is done by ``Ctrl-D'' shortcut or by pressing the corresponding icon. All reserved places will be released after cancellation and booking takes the status of 'CB' or 'CT' (cancelled booking/ticket). The booking isn't deleted completely in this case, and later can be reverted to the new booking.

To begin with new booking you have to press ``Ctrl-N'' shortcut (or icon).

Every action (saving, canceling), which has been applied to each booking, is also saved to the history. You can review history screen by pressing ``Ctrl-S'' combination or icon.

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