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Entering ticket information

When all data about passengers is entered you can begin enter ticket information. Ticket information window is called from ``Passengers & Cars'' window by pressing ``T'' key or <Ticket Info> button on each passenger browse line. To make one ticket for several passengers you have to mark them with ``M'' or ``A'' (for all) key or using <Mark> or <Mark All> buttons. The ``M'' (<Mark>) key also has an inverse action, i.e. clears the mark. After all marks are made you may call the ticket information window by pressing ``T'' (<Ticket Info>).

Figure 3.3: Ticket and price window
\resizebox* {0.7\columnwidth}{0.2\textheight}{\includegraphics{tickets.eps}}

When you are entering ticket for first time - additional ticket options dialog window is appearing in the ticket information window. You have to enter ticket number and some extra information to that dialog. In all other situations you can call this dialog by pressing ``O'' key or <Ticket Options> button.

Ticket options dialog contains fields for the ticket number, tariff code, and payment method. The ticket number is taken from the preprinted ticket blank (no other option yet). When you change the ticket number you must also choose the reason of change from the corresponding list-box. Next field - preferred tariff code already has a suggested value, based on voyage information and your local currency, but you can change it if you like. Then you must choose the payment type and fill the other field, which depends on it. To complete a dialog - press <Ok> or ``F2'' key. After a dialog is closed, - all calculated tariff values will appear in the ticket information window.

Figure 3.4: Ticket options dialog
\resizebox* {0.4\columnwidth}{0.2\textheight}{\includegraphics{tickopt.eps}}

If the system hasn't found some appropriate values in the tariff table, the following message appears: ``Warning! Some tariffs needs to be justified!'' , and question marks (``?'') next to missing values will be shown. You may edit those values by pressing ``E'' key or <Edit> button.

Then press <Ok> or ``F2'' key to save all ticket and tariff information. Note! Ticket information is finally saved only after the whole booking or ticketing save by pressing ``Ctrl-T'' (or appropriate icon) from the booking main screen.

When you close ticket information window, ticket number appears in the one or several lines of passenger information subwindow. In order to add a passenger to the existing ticket, you must mark it and, in addition, any one line with that ticket number. All additional passengers will be marked with ``N'' symbol in the first column of the ticket information window. If you want to delete a passenger from the ticket - press ``-`` key or <Delete> button and save information (press <OK>).

In some special cases you may want to enter additional information to the whole ticket (reforming of ticket or ticket return). Press ``S'' key or <Add Special> button to get special information dialog. You may choose special operations and enter additional amounts (with appropriate signs) in this dialog. In result you'll get a special line(s) in the ticket information window. These lines belong to the whole ticket - not to each passenger.

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