C-TROLIS - Cargo registration and reservation system for the cargo ferry lines


   C-TROLIS V1.2 system is a cargo reservation system for Ro-Ro and Ro-Pax ferry lines. This system is optimised for maximum performance for remote work through various Internet connections from anywhere. This system uses so-called "Application Server" technology, which gives full impression, that you're working from the local network, even if the database server locates thousands miles away from you. C-TROLIS system exists in two installation variants:

  • Win95/98/NT/2000/XP client with Application Server access
  • Internet cgi-client with direct access - TROLIS.NET

Main system features

   C-TROLIS system provides following main functions:

   Common (user):

  • preliminary registration and final reservation of cargoes
  • bookings with "open date"
  • driver and transport ticket printing
  • cargo and freight manifests printing
  • loading list printing
  • driver list printing
  • bookings on behalf of another agency (only for privileged agents)
  • invoice printing and transfer to third-party accounting systems
  • disbursement accounts calculation
  • financial statements printing
  • cargo carrying statistic reports (through the WEB interface)

   Special (system) features:

  • managing voyages, ferry lines, vessels, ports, etc.
  • generation of new voyages
  • clients database management
  • managing agencies (commission rates, access rights) and individual users (agents)
  • restricting access to each ferry lines for each agency

Some special "C-TROLIS" system features and fundamental differences from other similar systems

   System's booking module works in WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) manner. Working with it looks like working with certain text editor, where you can either save your work, or discard all your changes. Each change of particular booking is kept in the history with the date, time, agent and agency, which had altered this booking. Reservation algorithm always operates in a stateless mode (without knowing the previous state), which allows it to work very fast. This also decreases overall amount of transferred data between client application and server database, which is essential when working through Internet.

   Each user (agent) of the system belongs to one and only one agency, so this simplifies an authentification of users, hence the system correctly determines which agency the booking belongs to, It helps then in creating financial and sales reports. Agents of privileged agencies additionally can create booking on behalf of any other agency, assigning it to that agency. This possibility added to the system for those situations, when some agencies cannot get direct access to the system (due to connection problems for example) or doesn't have reservation application at all.

   C-TROLIS V1.2 system is developed using PROGRESS(tm) RDBMS V8.3/9.1. Application Server technology gives very fast access to the database, using any kind of Internet connection.

Questions, comments, suggestions

   You can send all comments or questions, regarding the TROLIS reservation system, to the addresses, that are listed in our contacts page.
