We can speak about PROGRESS in two different meanings - first, in sense of a powerful realational database management system, and the second - of the software company, which has made this product and which is called "PROGRESS Software Corporation" (or PSC). There are more software products from this company, and these are not only database management software. The most known of other products is, for example, SonicMQ - general purpose messaging software for various needs. Hence, the first meaning is more narrow, but the most common, when speaking about PROGRESS.

   PROGRESS RDBMS is an enterprise level relational database system, which successfully competes with the other popular DB systems, such as Oracle, Sybase, Informix, DB2, MS SQL Server. PROGRESS is in use by many customers worldwide, and in some countries it takes from 20% to 50% of DB market (such as Holland, Sweden, Australia and, of course, USA). As about the Baltic states, - PROGRESS is mostly in use in Estonia.
PROGRESS has a full-featured 4GL programming language to work with the data and for the programm logic. The same language is used for the user interface programming (GUI and terminal). When working with the data, much better performance is reached, comparing with SQL access, because the data manipulation is done in some lower level, and with more smooth database access commands. PROGRESS has SQL interface too, but it is somewhat slower, so this is not a main priority of PROGRESS. The price of PROGRESS RDBMS is rather high, and is comparable to those of its competetors (Oracle and MS SQL). But by the level of TCO (Total cost of ownership) - it is a bit less expensive, while having the same performance and user license count. This make PROGRESS to be very attractive for large companies and corporations specifically in banking and accounting systems area, where you can have up to 5000 users, using the database concurently. PROGRESS RDBMS is in use by such big and known companies, like Boeing, Yahoo, Pepsi, Ford and etc.

   The PROGRESS Company, or PSC, with more than 2,000 global Application Partners enables customers to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage by delivering business solutions that simplify their operations, are fast to implement, provide lowest total cost of ownership, and have unparalleled reliability.

   Here are links to our systems which use PROGRESS RDBMS as a backend database:

   Below are some links to PROGRESS related information:
